Wild Gears Tutorials and How To links:
- Jeddy Grant on YouTube has a collection of in depth Tutorials on multi gear systems and the Nested Oblong Gear Set.
- Alyx Brett has a two part article diving deeply into the math for predicting multi gear systems.
- Glagolj has written several articles about the intricacies of mulit-gear systems starting with:
- "Second order roulette or gear-in-hoop-in-wheel spirograph" is an excellent write up of the math and techniques in multi gear systems. An excellent resource for finding and picking specific shapes of designs in gear-in-gear projects.
- "Roulette Plot" is a online tool that is a companion piece to #8 and is wonderful.
- "Grid of roulettes" starts an exploration of gear combinations and tabulation of the results.
- The entire list of their posts can be found here.
- Gears Gone Wild: a fan blog about details of using Wild Gears with a focus on pencils.
- 1001 Ways to Use Wild Gears (actually 8) is a post from the second Wild Gears kickstarter that outlines many different ways to use gears, rings, and hoops to make different types of designs
Wild Gears Articles and Reviews:
- SpirographicArt reviews all things spriograph and has wonderful things to say about Wild Gears.
- "Behold the greatest spirographs in the world" is the headline Ars Technica gave their article about Wild Gears
- Wayne Schmidt provides a compare and contrast review of Wild Gears Full Page Gear Set and Deluxe Spirograph
- Ponoko article about the crowdfunding aspects of Wild Gears development
- "Find Kickstarter Success With These 10 Crowdfunding Tips" features Wild Gears and two other projects as examples of successful Kickstarter products and discusses how to make a successful Kickstarter project.
- Delcopod reviews Wild Gears in Spanish.
- The Spirograph sub-reddit is solidly Wild Gears focused, active, and delightfully friendly; an excellent source for Wild Gears art and discussion
Other Wild Gears Resources:
If you know of other links that you think should be included here please email [email protected] and let me know. Any omissions here are unintentional.